Inspirational Story : The Forgotten Window

Inspirational Story : The Forgotten Window

Once upon a time, one day there was a husband and wife who lived in a house in a residential complex. One morning when the wife was preparing breakfast for her husband, the wife looked at a window overlooking the house next door and saw her neighbor drying clothes.

The wife said to her husband, “See dad, the laundry doesn't look clean, doesn't it; looks like she doesn't know how to wash clothes properly. Maybe she needs better laundry soap." Then her husband turned his head, and just didn't say anything.

The next day, while preparing breakfast, the wife again commented on her neighbor who was not clean enough to wash clothes. The husband was still silent and did not give any comment. Since that day his wife kept giving the same comments every day.

After a week had passed, when he was doing his routine activities, he prepared breakfast. The wife looked at the glass window and was surprised, now the clothes washed by the neighbors looked clean and bright. Then the wife said to her husband, “Look dad, looks like he has learned how to wash properly. This morning the laundry was clean; maybe he saw my clean laundry”

The husband said, "Mah, Papa got up early today to clean our glass windows." The wife was surprised and very embarrassed to hear the answer from her husband. He was ashamed because all this time he had insulted his neighbor who was not clean in washing clothes, even though it was because the windows of his own house were dirty.

Such is life, what we see to judge others depends on the clarity of our mind, from which window we look at it. If our window glass is dirty, it is certain that what we see in front will be dirty too.

If our HEART is clean, then our MIND is also clean. If our thoughts are clean, our WORDS will be clean as well. And if our words are clean, our DEEDS are also clean. Hearts, Thoughts, Words, and Deeds become a reflection of our life. That is why there is a teacher who always says:

"When the heart is arranged, reality will arrange itself." (YMU)

We should guard our hearts. Because no matter how dirty the clothes we wear, they won't hurt other people. But a dirty tongue and point of view can hurt and even destroy other people. Hopefully this story is useful, and makes us judge others better. Moreover, we sometimes feel that we are better than others.


Reference : https://t.me/Pelitapagihamdi

Image Source: https://wallpaperflare.com

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