The secret behind Barakah

The secret behind Barakah

We as humans live life in this world, inseparable from two things, namely what we like and what we don't like. Both are certainly present in our world. These can come simultaneously, sometimes alternately, or intermittently. Whatever it is, whether we like it or hate it, whether it is pleasant or worrying, giving birth to laughter or tears, happy or sad, whatever will come in our lives, one thing we should expect from these things is the presence of Barakah that accompanies them.

In fact, what is Barakah? In simple terms, barakah is an increase in goodness in every event that we experience from time to time. According to Ibnul Qayyim, barakah is the closer we are to the Lord (god), the closer we are to Allah SWT. Meanwhile, according to Umar bin Khaththab, there are two vehicles that he doesn't care which one he has to ride: shabr (patience) and syukr (gratitude).

"It's really amazing the business of the believer (muslim). Everything is good. And that does not happen except to those who believe. If he gets a favor he is grateful, and gratitude is good for him. If calamity befalls him, he is patient, and patience is good for him.” (H.r. Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)


Whatever will come in our lives, hopefully make ourselves closer and closer to Allah SWT. When calamity comes to us, being patient is the right attitude, and it is a good deed. Likewise, when we are given pleasure, being grateful is the right attitude, and that is also a good deed. Our patience and gratitude can produce other virtues, which make us closer to Allah SWT.

May our lives always be blessed, both in times of joy and sorrow, in times of tears and laughter, in times of joy or concern, in times of joy or hatred. Whatever it is, may blessings always accompany and give birth to other goodness. Amen.

Tegal, November 7, 2021

By Khoerul Anwar 


Reference: The book "Happy to Celebrate Love" by Salim A. Fillah

Image source: http://meed.com

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