The Simple Way To Be Consistent

The Simple Way To Be Consistent

        Consistency is a word that is easy to say but not easy to implement. Often we plan to create a new habit, but it doesn't go smoothly or consistently. It's only been a month since the new habit has been running, after that the new habit is gone. This is the reason why the word Consistent is easy to say, but not easy to implement.

The word Consistent, although not easy to implement, does not mean that it cannot be implemented. Here is a simple way that can be used to be consistent in doing something. The simple way is to remember this:


1 day > 3 days > 7 days > 21 days > 41 days


For example, we have a plan to build a new habit, namely “Reading a Book of At least 4 Pages Every Day”. The first thing to do is to start with the first day which is 1 day. After succeeding with 1 day, then do it for 3 days in a row. If successful then continue again for 7 days, and so on until 41 days. But if you fail in the middle of the road, for example, you fail when you do 7 days in a row. Then repeat the calculation for 7 days until it works. If it is successful, just continue until it can reach 41 days.

The success of being able to achieve a new habit for 41 days is not an easy thing, so there is no need to be surprised or give up when repeating it many times. The thing to remember is that there is a study on a new habit. That people do the habit in a row for 21 days, then automatically the habit is quite attached to him, so that we have started to feel light in implementing the new habit. And if the habit has been carried out for 41 consecutive days then the habit is firmly attached to him.

When a new habit is firmly attached to us, keep doing the new habit happily continuously. This is a simple way that we can do to start a new habit. Hope it is useful.


Tegal, November 2, 2021

By Khoerul Anwar


image source : pxfuel.com

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